The Silky Stay
Promising each guest a special and unforgettable stay, The Hotels offers a unique Istanbul experience by combining comfort, modernity and historical texture.
Make your stay truly exceptional
Sura Concept is not just a place to stay, but a journey that will delight all five senses. Around every corner, our carefully considered details include everything from soothing sounds and textures to carefully selected lighting, scents and visual elements. This holistic approach creates a relaxing and luxurious environment and makes you feel at home.
Modernity and functionality are at the center of our design philosophy. Every detail has been carefully considered for your comfort and convenience. Whether you are here for a pleasant getaway or a business trip, Sura Concept offers a unique accommodation experience where you can experience peace in the historical atmosphere of Sultanahmet and all the comforts of the modern world. Here, you can experience the tranquility and amenities of the modern world while immersing yourself in the rich texture of the past.
At Sura Concept, we believe that every guest is unique and deserves a special experience. At Sura Concept, which draws attention with its modern and functional design, every detail has been considered for your comfort. In the historical atmosphere of Sultanahmet, a unique accommodation experience awaits you in this unique hotel that will give you both peace and all the comforts of the modern world.
The Silky Stay
Our Rooms
Designed to offer our guests a comfortable accommodation experience at the most affordable prices, our Economy Rooms provide a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.
- Room Size : 13-14 m²
- Bed Size : King
From $347
Our Standard Rooms are designed to offer our guests a comfortable and high standard accommodation experience and provide a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere.
- Room Size : 15-16 m²
- Bed Size : Twin or Double
From $347
Our Comfort Rooms are designed to offer our guests a comfortable and high standard accommodation experience and provide a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere.
- Room Size : 15-16 m²
- Bed Size : Twin or Double Bed